Bungalow Owner Doubles Down On Their Living Space
This west-end bungalow is just a short skip away from Cedarvale Park, just north of St. Clair West Village. Location remains the most essential aspect in real estate, which is why many bungalow owners opt to increase their square footage with additions rather than uprooting and purchasing somewhere further away.
Our team at Urban Studio is building a full 2nd-floor addition onto this bungalow, doubling the square footage of this home. We are currently in the underpinning stage of the construction of this project. Underpinning the basement will not only strengthen the existing foundation but also drastically increase the height of the basement. After the underpinning is complete, the next step is removing the roof from the bungalow in order to build out the proper infrastructure needed to safely and successfully build the 2nd story addition.
Between digging out the basement and adding the 2nd story addition, this homeowner will have more than doubled their practical living space. Turning this basement from a storage unit into a great living area, and adding a 2nd story to increase their space above ground, this homeowner will not only benefit from all the added space but also see an exponential increase in the value of their home.
Large-scale renovations and additions are a large undertaking, but they come with many short-term and long-term benefits. Having done multiple 2nd story additions in Toronto, we encourage any homeowner to reach out to us today if they are interested in experiencing the joys of having plenty of space without moving neighborhoods.
We started the construction on this project in early fall 2022 and are currently in the insulation and drywall phase of this project. This homeowner should be back in their brand new home by spring 2023, providing them with the perfect space for today’s style of living we all seek – spacious and practical!
Reach out to us today to book your initial consultation!